Articles and Essays

Catch up on my latest articles and essays on faith, fitness, and fortitude.

Tempo Tom Nikkola

What is the purpose of tempo in your training?

In terms of your training, I believe tempo is one of the most important concepts you need to wrap your head around. Tempo is the speed with which you move the bar, dumbbells, plates, or your body during a repetition. Tempo: Tempo measures the speed of your repetition in four parts: … Keep reading…

Tom Nikkola Coach's Notes Graphic

Don’t Lose Muscle

I have a number of guidelines for VIGOR Training, but just one rule: Don’t Lose Muscle! Muscle loss contributes to: insulin resistance and diabetes loss of strength reduced metabolic rate flabby arms and squishy legs loss of joint integrity Research shows that as you age, a lack of lean mass … Keep reading…

Adaptogens Health Benefits Tom Nikkola

The Best Adaptogens For Health and Fitness

What are adaptogens? How do you use them? Do they actually work? They are a standard part of traditional medicine. However, in North America, they often get dismissed as a useful tool for supporting your health. In this article, I explain what they are, how they work, and review some … Keep reading…

Hydroxytyrosol Health Benefits and the Mediterranean Diet

Hydroxytyrosol Health Benefits

Hydroxytyrosol is one of the key healthy-promoting compounds of the Mediterranean diet. Based on the research I reviewed, I feel like this nutraceutical hasn’t gotten the attention it deserves. In this article, I’ll answer the following questions: The Mediterranean Diet Paradox Long before the Keto craze, or the vegan agenda, … Keep reading…

Peppermint Essential Oil: Health and Fitness Benefits

Peppermint essential oil. From Peppermint Patties to muscle rubs, and cigarettes to the gum you chew to get rid of the nasty breath, peppermint oil is ubiquitous in food, drink, and personal care and household products. Of course, peppermint flavor isn’t the same as therapeutic peppermint essential oil, though people … Keep reading…

Is Milk Or Other Dairy Good Or Bad For You | Tom Nikkola

Is Milk or Other Dairy Good Or Bad For You?

“Is dairy good or bad for you?” Post that question to social media and you’ll find so much debate about this food group, that you might mistake it for a political campaign. On the pro-dairy side, you’ll see answers such as: On the anti-dairy side, you’ll see people respond with … Keep reading…

VIGOR Training ACFT Training Proram | Tom Nikkola

Free ACFT Plan for the Army Combat Fitness Test

Are you looking to crush the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) with confidence? Look no further! This comprehensive, free 12-week ACFT program provides an easy-to-follow roadmap designed to help you achieve your best performance. Whether you’re a seasoned soldier or a beginner, our Free ACFT Training Program has you covered. … Keep reading…

Why Corporate Wellness Programs Don't Work

Why Corporate Wellness Programs Don’t Work

$8 billion. That’s how much is spent on corporate wellness programs each year in the United States. Sadly, it seems that enormous amount of money doesn’t actually improve employee wellness. And it doesn’t save companies money either. Most of the time, when businesses add an extra layer of expense, they … Keep reading…

Keto and The Tenacious Pursuit of Optimal Health | Tom Nikkola 1

The Ultimate Guide to the Ketogenic Diet (Keto)

Keto is the diet of the decade. As with many things in nutrition, the ketogenic diet is surrounded by myths, misinformation, and exaggeration. The truth about keto is that it’s better than the alarmists would have you believe, and not the panacea that your best friend thinks it is. What … Keep reading…