Articles and Essays

Catch up on my latest articles and essays on faith, fitness, and fortitude.

Woman drinking protein shake

Why Whey Protein is the Best Protein For You

You’ve probably heard of whey protein. Maybe you’ve seen it lining the shelves of your local health food store, featured in a recipe for a post-workout shake, or touted as an essential supplement by fitness enthusiasts. But do you know what whey protein is? More importantly, do you understand its … Keep reading…

Woman working with essential oils diffuser in front of her

The Top 5 Essential Oils For Focus and Productivity

Do you find yourself struggling with concentration and productivity throughout the day? With the constant distractions and demands of modern life, it can be difficult to stay focused and on-task. But what if there was a natural way to boost your brainpower and increase your productivity? Enter essential oils. These … Keep reading…

Orange slice half-filled with supplements

The Truth About Ascorbic Acid: Healthy or Dangerous?

In some health and fitness circles, where ascorbic acid is considered a “synthetic form of vitamin C,” influencers and some nutritionists warn their followers of the dangers of ascorbic acid. But is it really as bad as they claim, or like many things in nutrition, are they misinformed? I’ll try … Keep reading…

Older man holding his knee

Why You Should Think Twice Before Getting Cortisone Shots

I was talking to a family member recently about cortisone shots. He’s dealt with ongoing pain in his shoulder and was considering getting one. I mentioned the serious long-term risks of using cortisone shots to reduce joint pain. It’s a conversation I’ve had many times with many people. Afterward, I … Keep reading…

Woman drinking beer at outside bar

What You Need to Know About Gluten-Free Beer

On average, adults aged 21 and older drink almost 30 gallons of beer per year in the United States. If I had to guess, I maybe drink a gallon or two, so others drink way more than 30 gallons per year to even out people like me. Since it’s such … Keep reading…

Middle aged man doing deadlifts

The Truth About the Pre-Workout Tingle: Is it safe?

You know it’s coming — that familiar pre-workout tingle. It creeps up your neck, sweeps across your face, and dances down your arms. Some people love it, and some don’t. But have you ever stopped to wonder what causes that curious sensation? Is it a rash? A negative side effect? … Keep reading…

Clock on wall at 1:00

The Ultimate Guide to Intermittent Fasting 16/8

You’ve probably heard the buzz about intermittent fasting (IF). Maybe a friend has raved about their weight loss success, or you’ve read about celebrities who swear by it. I fell into an intermittent fasting 16/8 pattern myself, many years ago. But what is “Intermittent Fasting 16/8” really about? Is it … Keep reading…

Gym with strength and cardio equipment

Strength Training Before or After Cardio? Find Out Now.

I don’t include cardio and strength training on the same day in all of my programs, but I do in some. The question, then, becomes, should you do strength training before or after cardio? In this article, I’ll review the research behind each approach and then share some practical insights … Keep reading…