Middle aged man in the gym

How to Avoid the Devastating Effects of Muscle Loss

Muscle loss is a common yet preventable part of the aging process. As we age, muscle mass naturally decreases due to a decrease in physical activity and slowed metabolism. This process is known as sarcopenia, and it can have long-term health implications if not addressed. In this article, we’ll discuss … Keep reading…

Woman doing box pushups

Bigger is Better: The Case for Building Muscle at Every Age

Bigger is better. At least it is when it comes to your muscles. I’m not referring to how muscle looks. That would be an opinion. I’m referring to how it functions to create a strong, healthy, vigorous body. Unfortunately, the way most fitness influencers and personal trainers promote themselves, you’d … Keep reading…

Steak dinner

Instead of trying to eat less, eat less often.

Unless you’re an athlete who trains for hours every day or one of the few people in the population with an extreme metabolic rate, eating more than three meals per day will likely cause massive weight gain, metabolic syndrome, low energy levels, and poor gut health. Does that mean I’m … Keep reading…

Platter of raw meats for the grill

Protein First: Why “Eat More Protein” is Diet Change #1

I’m often amused by how nutrition and fitness professionals complicate nutrition, especially for those who are looking to lose weight or get leaner. Some will recommend cutting carbs, others cutting coffee, and still others, surprisingly, cutting fat. For many years I was on the side of cutting carbs. It works … Keep reading…

Couple eating steak dinner | Tom Nikkola | Eat Meat

Another Protein Study Negates the “Eat Less Meat” Agenda

Contrary to what the media would have you believe, meat, poultry, fish, eggs, wild game, and other animal-based protein-rich foods are good for you. Research has continually proven this to be true. And yet, activist organizations, mainstream media, and politicians would have you believe that a lower-protein, plant-based diet is … Keep reading…

Protein powder and scoop

Marine Collagen Peptides: A Complete Reference Guide

It’s been a while since I first wrote about the health benefits of collagen. Since then, more and more research has shown us how valuable collagen protein powders can be as part of a healthy, high-protein diet. Both marine and bovine collagens offer numerous health benefits, but there are some … Keep reading…

Young man doing deadlift

My Take on Pre-workouts Supplements For Teenagers

Should my teenager take a pre-workout supplement?  That’s one of the most common questions I get asked from parents about nutrition and exercise.  While I try to dissuade teens from using pre-workout supplements, I do so only after some explanation.  I was a teen once upon a time, and we … Keep reading…