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Get Fitter, Healthier, and Happier

without making your life revolve around diet and exercise.

You don’t need to count your macros, spend hours prepping meals, or exhaust yourself with cardio to get in shape.

My Name Is Tom, and I’m a No-Nonsense Fitness Professional

I’ll admit it: I can always think of other things I’d rather be doing when it’s time to workout. I don’t take time to meal prep on Sundays, I don’t eat every few hours, and I don’t count calories. And I don’t think you need to either.

When other fitness professionals talk about counting macros, spending hours on a treadmill, or working out every day, I roll my eyes and check out.

I’m only interested in leveraging my fitness program to make the rest of my life better, and that’s what I hope to do for you, too.

Tom Nikkola - VIGOR Training profile photo

I narrowed down the three most significant, synergistic habits that produce the greatest results for your short-term fitness and long-term health and longevity and built a program around them. I call them The 3 Pillars of VIGOR, and as long as you consistently use them in your life, you’ll become exceptionally fit and healthy.

For those who want to take things to another level, I’ll help guide you with supplements, other lifestyle hacks, and event or sport-based programming, but it all starts with The 3 Pillars of VIGOR.

As I often say, I want fitness to better your life, not become your life. I want the health and fitness you gain to make your work and family responsibilities easier, more effective, and more fulfilling.

After more than 20 years as a fitness professional, I know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle. I also know that there’s a lot to life outside the gym and the kitchen, and I want you to live that life to its fullest.

I wouldn’t want you to waste my time, effort, or money, so I won’t waste yours.

VIGOR Training is a complete fitness and nutrition program that helps you build muscle, shed excess body fat, feel more energetic, and improve your health and quality of life without making your nutrition and fitness the center of your life.

Everything you need in our easy-to-use VIGOR Training app.

Join the Program That Makes You Feel Younger, Stronger, and More Energetic

Without Consuming Your Life, Leaving You Hungry, or Costing You Thousands to Get Started

In 2017, a small group of friends asked me to put a workout program together. I decided that, if I were going to do so, I’d take my 20+ years of health and fitness experience and create a program that requires the least number of lifestyle changes, time out of your schedule, and mental energy, but that delivers consistent, superior results compared to the calorie-counting, cardio-focused, time-consuming programs promoted by most fitness “influencers.” A program based on my book, The 3 Pillars of VIGOR.

From that, VIGOR Training was born. Of that initial group, most are still members today, and our membership has grown to levels I would never have expected when I first created this program.

Now, it’s your opportunity to join and get fit, or sit on the sidelines and get sick(er).

Who is Vigor Training for?


  • Men and women willing to invest some time, effort, and money on their health
  • People who’ve tried other diets and fitness programs and gotten mediocre results
  • Retired endurance athletes and Crossfitters who no longer want to beat down their bodies
  • Seniors who wish to remain active and energetic
  • Personal trainers who are great about taking care of their clients, but who slack when it comes to their own fitness programs
  • Student-athletes or students who want to look and feel like athletes


  • People who are unwilling to learn or to be coached
  • People with “shiny object syndrome:” If you get distracted by the latest diet or fitness fad instead of finishing what you’ve started, this isn’t for yo
  • People who don’t want to learn how to get off the “best diet bandwagon”
  • People who want to operate solely within their comfort zones; who avoid change, hard work, or admitting their mistakes

As my client, you’ll get…

  • Periodized training programs: Annual programming with 4-12 week training blocks based on specific fitness goals (i.e. strength, conditioning, lean mass, speed, power, etc.)
  • Exercise, set, rep prescriptions: Specified training variables to make ensure you get the results expected in each training session
  • Training history record: Sets and reps are saved after recording them for reference during future training sessions to help ensure you push yourself beyond past performances 
  • Video/written exercise demonstrations and instructions
  • Food tracking
  • Group messaging, training technique critiques, support, and encouragement
  • App syncing with Apple, Garmin, MyFitnessPal, and more
  • Ongoing 2-way messaging with me to answer personal fitness questions and provide support

Choose your program.

Programs are periodized and based on an annual plan so that you keep getting results and your body never gets bored. Once you get started, you can always move around to a different program if it fits your needs better.

Pick the program that sounds the best for you right now.

As you might have seen elsewhere on my site, I’m a huge advocate of Amare’s Happy Juice supplement stack. Its effects on energy, focus, motivation, and reduced cravings for junk are mind-blowing.

In fact, I want you to try it so much that I’ll give you VIGOR Training for free for a year if you order through my referral link below.

The Happy Juice supplement stack only costs $139.95. A year of VIGOR Training costs $588, so that’s a GIGANTIC savings for you.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Tap the button below to order your Happy Juice Supplement Stack.
  2. Send me a message after you’ve placed your order.
  3. I’ll send you an invite to VIGOR Training, giving you immediate access.

Each program is $29 per month.

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Most popular program for men

Build muscle you can see through a flannel shirt and strength and stamina to get the job done, no matter how hard it is or how long it takes. This is not for wimps.

  • 3-5 workouts per week, 50-70 minutes per session
  • Gym membership or full home gym required
  • Focus is on building muscle and strength first, with the secondary benefit of fat loss and improved stamina
  • Programming is ongoing, based on an annual calendar so you don’t need to change programs, the program changes over time for you.


Most popular program for women

Build conditioning and stamina that not only gets you leaner and fitter, it also helps you handle the stress and pressure of everyday life.

  • 4-5 workouts per week, 50-60 minutes per session
  • Gym membership or full home gym required
  • Focus is on building physical endurance and a lean physique first, and strength second, using mostly resistance training with some cardio
  • Programming is ongoing, based on an annual calendar so you don’t need to change programs, the program changes over time for you.