Woman in cast and on crutches at the gym | Why you should workout while injured | Tom Nikkola

Why You Should Workout While Injured

In almost all cases, if you exercise after getting injured, you’ll recover faster, avoid unnecessary weight gain, and maintain better well-being than if you use your injury as an excuse to become sedentary. I’ve met many people over the years who explained they got injured years ago, stopped exercising, and … Keep reading…

Torn Bicep Tendon Recovery Tom Nikkola

Torn Bicep Tendon? How To Speed Up Recovery After Surgery

Cinderella wasn’t referring to a torn bicep when they sang the 80’s rock ballad, “Don’t Know What You’ve Got ‘Til It’s Gone,” but that song title is #truth when it comes to a ruptured biceps tendon. You don’t give much thought to how valuable your bicep is in everyday movement … Keep reading…