Middle aged man and woman

29 Ways You Cause Hormone Imbalance by Middle-Age

“I turned 40 and my hormones…” I’ve heard something like this over and over. Age takes the blame for hormone-related health problems, but is it really age that’s to blame? No, it’s one’s nutrition and lifestyle choices. Some people still own pristine cars from the 50s and 60s because of … Keep reading…

Grayscale of man pushing you away

The Low Testosterone Crisis: 17 Causes You Need to Know About

We’re in the midst of a testosterone crisis. Alarmingly, the average levels of this crucial male hormone have been plummeting, with one seminal study reporting a staggering 1% annual decline in average testosterone levels since the late 20th century.1Travison, T. G., Araujo, A. B., O’Donnell, A. B., Kupelian, V., & … Keep reading…

Surprised guy looking around corner of wall

5 Surprising Low Thyroid Symptoms You Don’t Know About

Hypothyroidism is not your garden-variety health issue where you pop a pill and call it a day. Far from it. Low thyroid is often billed as a “silent epidemic,” mainly because some of the symptoms get written off as the cost of a hectic lifestyle or simply getting older. You’ve … Keep reading…

Man and woman doing pushups looking at each other

5 New Testosterone-Related Studies for Men and Women

This past week, I came across several testosterone-related research papers, just published this past month. Each study looked at different aspects of how testosterone affects our health, so rather than writing separate articles for each, I thought I’d include them all in a single article with a brief summary. This … Keep reading…

Boost Testosterone, Growth Hormone, and DHEA. Lift Weights.

What supplements should I take to boost testosterone or enhance libido? I frequently come across a question like this from middle-aged men. Although a supplement or drug therapy may help, if it’s the first solution guys go for, they’ll undoubtedly be disappointed by the results. To ensure a guy produces … Keep reading…

The Lost Boys: Low Testosterone and Declining Manhood

One in five adolescent and young adult men is clinically deficient in testosterone. One in five! How did this happen? What about the rest of the boys? How many of them are living with lower than optimal testosterone? What impact will this have on their mental and physical health? How … Keep reading…

What You Need to Know About Testosterone | Tom Nikkola

Testosterone: What men, women, and parents need to know.

Though people often associate testosterone with men, it’s essential for women as well. Unfortunately, a significant portion of the population lives with low testosterone, which leads to numerous health problems. In men, it seems to even increase the risk of a severe case of COVID-19. What does testosterone do, and … Keep reading…

Muscular man in sleeveless holding medicine ball

How Vitamin D Affects Testosterone Levels

Most people know about some of the health benefits of vitamin D, but few people realize its role in testosterone levels. Even though I’d read numerous research articles and written multiple blog posts about vitamin D, it wasn’t until a couple of years ago that I connected vitamin D levels … Keep reading…

Man standing in forest - forest bathing - cortisol

Cortisol: The good, bad, and fattening effects of your stress hormone

Like all hormones, cortisol plays a crucial role in your mental and physical health. Unfortunately, today’s lifestyles lead to severe imbalances in cortisol rhythms, which contribute to body fat gain, cognitive dysfunction, muscle loss, and much more. Many health and fitness experts vilify cortisol. Some ignore its effects on your … Keep reading…