Woman taking a break from running on the beach

This Is Why Women Need Cardio More Than Men

Over the past couple of decades in working with men and women, I’ve consistently seen that women benefit from cardio more than men. Most of the time, when a guy starts eating better and lifts weights, he gets leaner. However, I’ve noticed that for most women, to get leaner, they … Keep reading…

Gym with strength and cardio equipment

Strength Training Before or After Cardio? Find Out Now.

I don’t include cardio and strength training on the same day in all of my programs, but I do in some. The question, then, becomes, should you do strength training before or after cardio? In this article, I’ll review the research behind each approach and then share some practical insights … Keep reading…

Middle aged man doing deadlift | Tom Nikkola

Weight Training or Cardio for Heart Health? Which is Better?

If you were to ask the average person, or even the average healthcare practitioner, “What is the most important form of exercise?” the majority would respond with “Aerobic exercise,” like walking or running. That never made sense to me. Such antiquated advice doesn’t match up with scientific evidence, a basic … Keep reading…

Man jumping onto box doing box jumps

Plyometrics: Fitness and Performance Benefits for Non-Athletes

What are the benefits of plyometrics? Trainers and strength coaches often integrate plyometrics into their sports performance programs for athletes. Yet, the benefits of plyometrics aren’t exclusive to athletes. When used appropriately, plyometric exercises add variety to programming, provide a safe and effective means of improving movement proficiency, and can … Keep reading…

Commercial gym full of machines and free weights

21 Weight Training Questions, Answered

I get asked a lot of questions about weight training. Most questions don’t require a full article to answer. So, I decided to publish a “frequently asked questions” post with many of those questions. I hope you find it helpful. You can also get free access to many training tips … Keep reading…

Woman doing bent-over rows or power cleans in gym

Eccentric Exercise: More Muscle and Strength with Less Wear and Tear

When used appropriately, eccentric exercise helps you build more muscle and improves strength while giving your joints a break from the grind of concentric-focused, traditional strength training workouts. Unfortunately, eccentric training is often overlooked and underutilized.  In this article, I’ll answer the following questions: I’ll explain how to combine eccentric … Keep reading…

Woman holding 45 lb plate in front of squat rack

9 Reasons Strength Training Is Essential For Optimal Health

Muscle plays a significant role in your long-term health, fitness, longevity, and even your ability to ward off disease and infection. Yet the vast majority of Americans do little to no strength training. Investing three to five hours per week, lifting weights and doing other movements that challenge your muscles, … Keep reading…

Guy doing barbell back squats

Dumb Advice: Change Your Workouts To Keep Your Body Guessing

Without question, the dumbest advice any trainer has ever said is…”you need to keep changing things up and keep your body guessing.” This ridiculousness is still getting passed around from one wannabe fitness “expert” to another. In reality, it’s flat-out wrong. You Need Progressive Resistance In every other area of … Keep reading…