Personal trainer lying on the gym floor, exhausted as though she is burned out. | Tom Nikkola

Why Do So Many Personal Trainers Burn Out?

Many personal trainers I’ve known were amazing at transforming the lives of their clients. Some of them, though, lost their own health, happiness, and passion in the process of doing so. Why do so many personal trainers burn out, when they have a career that has such a positive impact … Keep reading…

5 Lessons From 15 Years In Fitness | Tom Nikkola

5 Lessons From 15 Years in Fitness

October 1, 2001. That was when my career officially started at The Woodbury Life Time Fitness (thanks Dan Kelly). I had a pre-med biology degree from St. Scholastica, most of which actually focused on exercise physiology. Soon after, I got certified through ACE and NASM, and then got my Certified … Keep reading…