Cows looking at the camera

Plant-Based Diets, Depression, and Anxiety

The effort to convert people to plant-based diets is nothing new, but the effort to move people from eating meat to going vegan continues to gain traction. There are some who wholeheartedly believe a plant-based diet is better for your health than one that includes animal proteins. But those leading … Keep reading…

emoji sign with a scowl

Have you lost your mind?

It happens in a moment. You’re casually scrolling through your newsfeed. You catch a glimpse of someone doing or saying something you don’t agree with.  Maybe you see a photo of a few people hugging after dinner at a restaurant…with people in the background sitting at tables that are closer … Keep reading…

street art of man holding his head in hands

Be Not Afraid

I wrapped up with work for the day today and thought I’d check out the news. Everything everywhere is COVID-19. Same stories as the days before. The media thrives off your fear Take these recent headlines as an example: U.S. coronavirus deaths surpass Vietnam War (Reuters) The coronavirus crisis is … Keep reading…

My 30-Second (Accidental) Meditation Experiment

My 30-Second (Accidental) Meditation Experiment

I hardly notice the guy behind me, grunting like he’s having an orgasm. Instead, I’m zoned in on the second hand of my stopwatch. It’s like a one-direction metronome. Tick, tick, tick. A text notification pops up on my phone screen and I quickly wipe it away without looking at … Keep reading…

Why We Need to Stop Bastardizing Struggle | Tom Nikkola

Why We Need to Stop Bastardizing Struggle

I’m going to Baader-Meinhof you: “STRUGGLE.” The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon occurs when you become aware of something, and then start to notice it everywhere around you. Like Cole in The Sixth Sense who saw “dead people,” I see struggle. If you don’t see it already, you’re about to see struggle too. I don’t … Keep reading…

4 Poisonous Type of People to Stay Away From | Tom Nikkola

Limit Your Exposure to These 4 Types of Toxic People

A relationship with a toxic person is kind of like drinking anti-freeze. If you don’t know what you’re drinking, you might mistake it as healthy and sweet. But if you understand what you’re drinking, you’ll realize it’s poisonous. You might believe you have a good, healthy relationship. But it’s because … Keep reading…

How to Stop Shoulding Yourself | Tom Nikkola

How to Stop Shoulding Yourself

“I should eat healthier. I should exercise. I should get more sleep. I should spend more time with my spouse. I should _____.” Sound familiar? If so, you’re human. We all have areas of our lives where we should make one choice, yet we choose another. You dwell on what you should have done (or not done) and should on yourself. The more you should on yourself, the … Keep reading…