Woman drinking protein shake

Why Whey Protein is the Best Protein For You

You’ve probably heard of whey protein. Maybe you’ve seen it lining the shelves of your local health food store, featured in a recipe for a post-workout shake, or touted as an essential supplement by fitness enthusiasts. But do you know what whey protein is? More importantly, do you understand its … Keep reading…

Platter of raw meats for the grill

Protein First: Why “Eat More Protein” is Diet Change #1

I’m often amused by how nutrition and fitness professionals complicate nutrition, especially for those who are looking to lose weight or get leaner. Some will recommend cutting carbs, others cutting coffee, and still others, surprisingly, cutting fat. For many years I was on the side of cutting carbs. It works … Keep reading…

Couple eating steak dinner | Tom Nikkola | Eat Meat

Another Protein Study Negates the “Eat Less Meat” Agenda

Contrary to what the media would have you believe, meat, poultry, fish, eggs, wild game, and other animal-based protein-rich foods are good for you. Research has continually proven this to be true. And yet, activist organizations, mainstream media, and politicians would have you believe that a lower-protein, plant-based diet is … Keep reading…

Man carving tomahawk steaks

Does red meat cause cardiovascular disease or type II diabetes?

Over the past two decades, we’ve seen a consistent effort to vilify red meat consumption while extolling the benefits of a plant-based diet. I believe that once we are through the COVID Circus, we’ll find the consumption of red meat in the crosshairs of nutrition, climate, and social justice conversations. … Keep reading…

Woman about to eat raw steak

How much protein do I need to build muscle?

How much protein do I need to build muscle? How much should I eat to maintain it later in life? Without question, the amount of protein you eat each day can have long-lasting effects on your health, fitness, and longevity. To build muscle (or maintain it later in life), at … Keep reading…

Woman eating a piece of steak

The Undeniable Metabolic Benefits of High Protein Diets

Is a high-protein diet the best diet you could follow? If so, what are the health benefits? Are there any risks? Read on, and you’ll understand why I believe a high-protein diet is the best diet for health, fitness, and even supporting quality-of-life later in life. What is a High-Protein … Keep reading…