Growth Hormone Tom Nikkola

Growth Hormone: How to Avoid Low Levels and Boost GH Naturally

When it comes to hormones, testosterone, thyroid, and insulin get most of the attention. Yet growth hormone, also known as somatotropin, also plays an essential role in your long-term health, athletic performance, and longevity. It affects the health of your body as well as your brain. I’ll explain what growth … Keep reading…

Torn Bicep Tendon Recovery Tom Nikkola

Torn Bicep Tendon? How To Speed Up Recovery After Surgery

Cinderella wasn’t referring to a torn bicep when they sang the 80’s rock ballad, “Don’t Know What You’ve Got ‘Til It’s Gone,” but that song title is #truth when it comes to a ruptured biceps tendon. You don’t give much thought to how valuable your bicep is in everyday movement … Keep reading…