Man looking through VR glasses

What will fitness look like in a web3 world?

By the end of 2022, almost everyone will have heard of the term “web3.” Many will engage with it in one way or another, even if they don’t realize they’re part of the next evolution of the worldwide web.  Within a few years, I expect it’ll become a regular part … Keep reading…

Man holding onto dumbbells

5 Factors for Faster Fat Loss After 40

Fat loss for those over 40 years of age requires a different approach than it does for young adults. Your body won’t respond the same as it did back then. Nor will you get by with inadequate sleep, drinking too much, or doing so much cardio that you could watch … Keep reading…

Man doing low rows in gym

Strength Training Stimulates Fat Loss: Here’s How

Weight training is the most important type of exercise for fat loss, overall health, and mental and physical strength and resilience.  No, that’s not a typo. Weight training is more important than cardio, even for getting and staying lean. Unfortunately, through public health propaganda, we’ve been led to believe that … Keep reading…

Athletic woman rubbing the bottom of her foot

Muscle Cramps (Charley Horse): Causes & how to get rid of them

Some people deal with muscle cramps (Charley horses) on occasion, and others experience cramping multiple times each week. While they aren’t harmful, they can be pretty painful. And while the exact cause of cramping isn’t known, you may be able to reduce the likelihood of getting them. In this article, … Keep reading…

Man jumping onto box doing box jumps

Plyometrics: Fitness and Performance Benefits for Non-Athletes

What are the benefits of plyometrics? Trainers and strength coaches often integrate plyometrics into their sports performance programs for athletes. Yet, the benefits of plyometrics aren’t exclusive to athletes. When used appropriately, plyometric exercises add variety to programming, provide a safe and effective means of improving movement proficiency, and can … Keep reading…

Man doing medicine ball throws against concrete wall

How to Gain Muscle Without Gaining Fat

Is it possible to build muscle without gaining body fat? Or could it even be possible to gain muscle and lose fat? If you ask the average “bro” at the gym or even the average personal trainer, they’ll tell you that you need to eat a ton of calories and … Keep reading…

Commercial gym full of machines and free weights

21 Weight Training Questions, Answered

I get asked a lot of questions about weight training. Most questions don’t require a full article to answer. So, I decided to publish a “frequently asked questions” post with many of those questions. I hope you find it helpful. You can also get free access to many training tips … Keep reading…