Cows looking at the camera

Plant-Based Diets, Depression, and Anxiety

The effort to convert people to plant-based diets is nothing new, but the effort to move people from eating meat to going vegan continues to gain traction. There are some who wholeheartedly believe a plant-based diet is better for your health than one that includes animal proteins. But those leading … Keep reading…

Man loading plates to barbell

7 Principles to Live Stronger and Healthier

Clients and readers often ask if I’ll ever write a book about health and fitness. After more than 20 years, I have a lot I could write about. But then, I think about those who might read it.  Maybe it’ll be someone looking to get back in shape after years … Keep reading…

Man holding onto dumbbells

5 Factors for Faster Fat Loss After 40

Fat loss for those over 40 years of age requires a different approach than it does for young adults. Your body won’t respond the same as it did back then. Nor will you get by with inadequate sleep, drinking too much, or doing so much cardio that you could watch … Keep reading…

2 acai bowls on white counter with berries surrounding them

The Dietary Goals For The United States, 44 Years Later

A disturbing turn of events took place on my birthday, January 14, 1977. It is one of many examples of the government attempting to influence Americans’ decisions with guidance based on opinion and politics rather than scientific evidence. I’m referring to the publication of the first version of the Dietary … Keep reading…

Woman about to eat raw steak

How much protein do I need to build muscle?

How much protein do I need to build muscle? How much should I eat to maintain it later in life? Without question, the amount of protein you eat each day can have long-lasting effects on your health, fitness, and longevity. To build muscle (or maintain it later in life), at … Keep reading…

Woman eating a piece of steak

The Undeniable Metabolic Benefits of High Protein Diets

Is a high-protein diet the best diet you could follow? If so, what are the health benefits? Are there any risks? Read on, and you’ll understand why I believe a high-protein diet is the best diet for health, fitness, and even supporting quality-of-life later in life. What is a High-Protein … Keep reading…

How To Make Best Dark Roast Coffee

How To Make The Best Drip Dark Roast Coffee

Though I’m not a barista, I do make a great cup of dark roast coffee. In the search for the best method for brewing dark roast coffee, we’ve tried a lot. We’ve brewed with Keurigs and Cusinarts, French Presses and Pour Overs. We even invested in a Miele countertop unit. … Keep reading…

Low Carb vs Low Fat vs High Protein - Which diet is best

What’s the best diet? Low-carb, low-fat, or high-protein?

Which is the best diet for building a long-living, lean, fit body; low-carb, keto, low-fat, or high-protein? If you’re looking for the short answer, it’s a high-protein diet. Does that mean low-fat or low-carb diets never work? Not necessarily. In this article, I’ll explain a little of the pros and … Keep reading…

Babies Gluten Type I Diabetes Tom Nikkola

Gluten Consumption, Babies, and the Risk of Type I Diabetes

There are no good reasons to eat gluten. There are numerous reasons to avoid gluten-containing foods. This includes babies as much as it includes adults. Yet, parents are often encouraged to give their kids cereal once they start eating whole foods. Perhaps, these findings from The Annual Meeting of the … Keep reading…

Which Diet Is Best

Which Diet Is Best To Start With?

Within 24 hours of starting VIGOR Training, half of the member-athletes send me a message, wondering what diet they should follow. Outside of training for a physique competition or a special event, like a wedding or class reunion, I usually steer people away from a specific diet. Note: if you … Keep reading…