Articles and Essays

Catch up on my latest articles and essays on faith, fitness, and fortitude.

5 Success Traits of Weight Training | Tom Nikkola

5 Success Traits You Develop Through Weight Training

In virtually every aspect of life, a small percentage of people thrive, most get by, and some barely survive. Rarely, is the difference a result of environment or luck. Instead, the difference is in the mindset of those who thrive and those who do not. For example, weight loss for … Keep reading…

How to Use Critical Thinking with Essential Oils Cynics | Tom Nikkola

How to Use Critical Thinking with Essential Oils Cynics

Unless you’ve been living without internet, you know essential oils have exploded in popularity. Though millions love their oils, there are still some cynics or skeptics. Vanessa and I get a message from someone almost weekly, wondering about our thoughts on a new post, from someone hellbent on scaring people … Keep reading…

Essential Oils - What Happened To The Hype Tom Nikkola

Essential Oils: What Happened To The Hype?

A few years ago, essential oil posts seemed to be all over the internet. Pinterest boards, news feeds, and blogs were filled with claims about the use of essential oils. What happened to the hype?

VIGOR Training | Tom Nikkola | Background Image

VIGOR: 5 Simple Habits for Better Men’s Health

Guys can be pretty stubborn when it comes to their health. They often ignore signs and symptoms until their bodies break down or they’re diagnosed with a disease. It doesn’t need to be that way. You don’t have to be the guy who spends the second half of his life … Keep reading…