Articles and Essays

Catch up on my latest articles and essays on faith, fitness, and fortitude.

What You Need to Know About Digestive Enzymes | Tom Nikkola

Digestive Enzymes: Health, Fitness, and Aging Well

Digestive enzymes might be the most overlooked, underappreciated part of a good nutrition plan. Even the healthiest diet does little if you don’t have good digestive health.  Unfortunately, most people don’t think about using them unless they have issues with their gut health. As you’ll see, they’re essential for more … Keep reading…

How to Stop Shoulding Yourself | Tom Nikkola

How to Stop Shoulding Yourself

“I should eat healthier. I should exercise. I should get more sleep. I should spend more time with my spouse. I should _____.” Sound familiar? If so, you’re human. We all have areas of our lives where we should make one choice, yet we choose another. You dwell on what you should have done (or not done) and should on yourself. The more you should on yourself, the … Keep reading…

Personal trainer lying on the gym floor, exhausted as though she is burned out. | Tom Nikkola

Why Do So Many Personal Trainers Burn Out?

Many personal trainers I’ve known were amazing at transforming the lives of their clients. Some of them, though, lost their own health, happiness, and passion in the process of doing so. Why do so many personal trainers burn out, when they have a career that has such a positive impact … Keep reading…

In My Next 40 Years | Tom Nikkola

In My Next 40 Years…

The calendar tells me that it’s true. I’m 40 years old (as of 8:35 am CST on January 14, 2017).  I don’t feel old. In fact, there’s nothing about the way I think or feel, that would lead me to believe I’ve reached this age.  However, turning 40 does remind … Keep reading…

Tom Nikkola Diet

The Easiest Diet I’ve Ever Followed 

In the past, I didn’t mind using my free time to cook, prepare, and pack meals for the week. I’d make a bunch of the same foods, pack them into microwavable dishes, and take some to work each day. It was very logical, methodical, and…boring. During another period of our … Keep reading…

What a Man Needs From You to Be His Best | Tom Nikkola

What a Man Needs From You to Be His Best

When a guy is at his best, there is little that can hold him back. When he’s not, there is little that can get him to move. A man who has some needs met can handle ridicule, setbacks, failures, and major obstacles without taking his eyes off his goals and responsibilities. … Keep reading…

How The Power Of Others Influences You Tom Nikkola

How the Power of Others Influences You

Who fills you with ambition, excitement, and belief in yourself? Who sucks the excitement, desire, and self-confidence from your soul? Other people influence your thoughts, actions, and feelings every day. The closer your relationship is, the greater the influence. Our lives are shaped by the people we surround ourselves with, more than the … Keep reading…

How To Dine Out And Stick To Your Diet | Tom Nikola

How to Easily Dine Out and Stick to Your Diet

I remember the days of preparing my meals on Sundays and Wednesdays, cooking in bulk, portioning out my protein, fat and carbs. For most of my career, I carried an Igloo Cooler to work everyday. That cooler even came with me when I was dressed in business attire. Most days … Keep reading…

Paralysis of Personal Growth

Why You Can Get Paralyzed by Personal Growth

The desire to grow, to become a better version of ourselves, lives in almost all of us. According to Tony Robbins, it’s one of the six human needs. To grow, we have to learn new skills, work with others, and learn how to get out of our own ways. Rarely does … Keep reading…

Tom Nikkola Definition of Marital Abuse

The Definition of Marital Abuse That Set Me Straight

Marital abuse occurs on a sliding scale. What I share below is not to minimize the situations someone may be facing such as physical abuse or emotional abuse.  I’m sharing what I learned in hopes that it helps some husbands and wives understand the impact they have on their partners, even when … Keep reading…

The VKTM Virus: What You Need to Know | Tom Nikkola

The VKTM Virus: Diagnosis, Prognosis, Prevention

What is the VKTM virus? What are the symptoms? Can you prevent VKTM? Is there a cure? Here are the main things you need to know about this virus. Description: The VKTM virus is a curable “disease” that affects a significant number of people. The virus acts on individuals’ minds … Keep reading…