Man wearing mask with U.S. flag on it

Conditioned to Fear in the Home of the Brave

On Sunday, October 30, 1938, Orson Welles presented War of the Worlds as a prime-time radio show. Though the show was introduced as a fictional story, many listeners missed the introduction and tuned in to hear that Martians had landed, killed 7000 National Guardsman, and were attacking cities like New … Keep reading…

5 Questions That Could Change Your Life - Tom Nikkola

5 Life-Changing Questions To Ask Yourself Every Day

You might expect this article covers questions like “What is the meaning of life?” or “What is my purpose?” It doesn’t. Those are better questions for a college philosophy class, or a deep discussion with friends after a few drinks. The questions I cover here are life-changing because they can … Keep reading…

6 Fatitudes You Need to Fix If You Want To Get Fit

6 Fatitudes You Need To Fix If You Want To Get Fit

A fatitude is a belief or attitude that keeps you fat and unhealthy. In today’s other-blaming victimhood culture, many people point their fingers at others for their personal and professional problems, including their health. They cling to beliefs that harm, not help. I call these beliefs “fatitutdes.” Even if you … Keep reading…

Beauty in Her Badassness | Tom Nikkola

Beauty in Her Badassness

No matter her shape, size, age, or position, there is something beautiful about a woman who unleashes her honest and authentic self to the world. To be clear, I always find my wife, Vanessa, to be beautiful. But just as cookie dough ice cream has different layers of deliciousness, there’s … Keep reading…

Uncivil War - Why We Are Better At Condemnation than Conversation | Tom Nikkola

Uncivil Wars: Why We’re Better at Condemnation than Conversation

Finger-pointing. Helplessness. Hissy-fits. Name-calling. And unicorns. We can’t forget the unicorns. No, I’m not talking about toddlers, adolescents, or teenagers. I’m referring to the attitudes and behaviors of too many “adults” across America. Is it just me, or does it seem almost impossible to have a constructive conversation about a controversial … Keep reading…