Beauty in Her Badassness | Tom Nikkola

Beauty in Her Badassness

No matter her shape, size, age, or position, there is something beautiful about a woman who unleashes her honest and authentic self to the world. To be clear, I always find my wife, Vanessa, to be beautiful. But just as cookie dough ice cream has different layers of deliciousness, there’s … Keep reading…

Why We Need to Stop Bastardizing Struggle | Tom Nikkola

Why We Need to Stop Bastardizing Struggle

I’m going to Baader-Meinhof you: “STRUGGLE.” The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon occurs when you become aware of something, and then start to notice it everywhere around you. Like Cole in The Sixth Sense who saw “dead people,” I see struggle. If you don’t see it already, you’re about to see struggle too. I don’t … Keep reading…

5 Success Traits of Weight Training | Tom Nikkola

5 Success Traits You Develop Through Weight Training

In virtually every aspect of life, a small percentage of people thrive, most get by, and some barely survive. Rarely, is the difference a result of environment or luck. Instead, the difference is in the mindset of those who thrive and those who do not. For example, weight loss for … Keep reading…

How to Stop Shoulding Yourself | Tom Nikkola

How to Stop Shoulding Yourself

“I should eat healthier. I should exercise. I should get more sleep. I should spend more time with my spouse. I should _____.” Sound familiar? If so, you’re human. We all have areas of our lives where we should make one choice, yet we choose another. You dwell on what you should have done (or not done) and should on yourself. The more you should on yourself, the … Keep reading…

In My Next 40 Years | Tom Nikkola

In My Next 40 Years…

The calendar tells me that it’s true. I’m 40 years old (as of 8:35 am CST on January 14, 2017).  I don’t feel old. In fact, there’s nothing about the way I think or feel, that would lead me to believe I’ve reached this age.  However, turning 40 does remind … Keep reading…

How The Power Of Others Influences You Tom Nikkola

How the Power of Others Influences You

Who fills you with ambition, excitement, and belief in yourself? Who sucks the excitement, desire, and self-confidence from your soul? Other people influence your thoughts, actions, and feelings every day. The closer your relationship is, the greater the influence. Our lives are shaped by the people we surround ourselves with, more than the … Keep reading…

Paralysis of Personal Growth

Why You Can Get Paralyzed by Personal Growth

The desire to grow, to become a better version of ourselves, lives in almost all of us. According to Tony Robbins, it’s one of the six human needs. To grow, we have to learn new skills, work with others, and learn how to get out of our own ways. Rarely does … Keep reading…

The VKTM Virus: What You Need to Know | Tom Nikkola

The VKTM Virus: Diagnosis, Prognosis, Prevention

What is the VKTM virus? What are the symptoms? Can you prevent VKTM? Is there a cure? Here are the main things you need to know about this virus. Description: The VKTM virus is a curable “disease” that affects a significant number of people. The virus acts on individuals’ minds … Keep reading…