Articles and Essays

Catch up on my latest articles and essays on faith, fitness, and fortitude.

Fit man doing barbell ab rollouts

Myokines: Pharmaceutical-Like Effects of Strength Training

Strength training, along with optimal sleep and a high-protein diet, could be considered a preventative treatment as well as a medical therapy. Benefits of resistance training include: That’s quite a list of health benefits. If a drug did all that, it would be a bigger seller than a COVID-19 vaccine. … Keep reading…

Neroli blossoms

The Effects of Neroli Essential Oil on Sleep in Postmenopausal Women

Among several recent essential oil-related research papers published, I came across one titled The Effect of Citrus Aurantium Aroma on the Sleep Quality in Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Poor sleep quality is one of the most common problems postmenopausal women deal with. This study looked at how inhalation … Keep reading…

The Effects of Essential Oils on Long-Haul COVID-19

COVID-19 doesn’t make headlines like it did six months ago. Most people are mentally and physically past infections, as well as the media’s constant barrage of fear porn. Though the infections may be more rare today, many people continue to deal with long-lasting effects, a condition called long-haul COVID-19. When … Keep reading…

Cows looking at the camera

Plant-Based Diets, Depression, and Anxiety

The effort to convert people to plant-based diets is nothing new, but the effort to move people from eating meat to going vegan continues to gain traction. There are some who wholeheartedly believe a plant-based diet is better for your health than one that includes animal proteins. But those leading … Keep reading…

Man with multiple masks and gloves

Testosterone Levels Predict COVID-19 Severity and Mortality

Early on in the COVID-19 pandemic, or plandemic, or circus as I like to call it, we saw a distinct difference between how men and women responded to the infection.  Though both men and women (the only scientifically and Biblically supported sexes) saw similar infection rates, men were much more … Keep reading…

Man loading plates to barbell

7 Principles to Live Stronger and Healthier

Clients and readers often ask if I’ll ever write a book about health and fitness. After more than 20 years, I have a lot I could write about. But then, I think about those who might read it.  Maybe it’ll be someone looking to get back in shape after years … Keep reading…

Woman inhaling oils from her hand

Effects of Rose Essential Oil on Sleep and Feelings of Anxiety

“Inhalation aromatherapy using the damask rose (rose essential oil) was effective in reducing state anxiety and improving sleep quality among OR (operating room) personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic.”  That’s the conclusion of an October 2021 study that looked at the effects of rose essential oil inhalation on sleep and feelings … Keep reading…

Young man doing deadlift

My Take on Pre-workouts Supplements For Teenagers

Should my teenager take a pre-workout supplement?  That’s one of the most common questions I get asked from parents about nutrition and exercise.  While I try to dissuade teens from using pre-workout supplements, I do so only after some explanation.  I was a teen once upon a time, and we … Keep reading…

Man looking through VR glasses

What will fitness look like in a web3 world?

By the end of 2022, almost everyone will have heard of the term “web3.” Many will engage with it in one way or another, even if they don’t realize they’re part of the next evolution of the worldwide web.  Within a few years, I expect it’ll become a regular part … Keep reading…

Man shaking his head

Cognitive Dissonance: The Good, Bad, and Ugly

How does cognitive dissonance work? Does it help us, or lead us into a life of hypocrisy? Can understanding the theory help us understand the bizarre behavior we see in others, as well as ourselves? Cognitive dissonance has affected humans throughout history, but today’s political, social, and medical pressures surround … Keep reading…

Man carving tomahawk steaks

Does red meat cause cardiovascular disease or type II diabetes?

Over the past two decades, we’ve seen a consistent effort to vilify red meat consumption while extolling the benefits of a plant-based diet. I believe that once we are through the COVID Circus, we’ll find the consumption of red meat in the crosshairs of nutrition, climate, and social justice conversations. … Keep reading…